
menopausal idol

Clara is a 96 year old gal full of wit, humor and spunk. Gotta love her red sweater! (she has drawer fulls of red sweaters, fyi). she grew up in CHICAGO during the great depression... in 1935 she roller skated to her job at Hostess factory filling twinkies, then on the way home would stop to pull dandelions out of the ground to use for salads. she actually gained weight during the leanest of times (wonder if that's any connection to the twinkie-filling job, lol) from resourceful home cooked meals with simple basic ingredients.

i came across her cooking videos last year and she is my menopausal idol! i cook all our meals, bake our own bread, and avoid all processed foods. Clara is living proof of what home cooking/ self-reliance can do. "mangia bene, vivi felice" (eat well, live happy)

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