
new valentines bears today!

so, what type do you go for- hulk (left) or honey (right)? well, they are both equally sweet guys vying for your attention in their romance vests :)
be warned, they've got only ONE thing on their minds...
connect the dots and what do you get? Daddy Dots! He also goes by alias Daddy D, DD, Double D, Dee Dot, Sir Dot Alot, or simply Loverman.
Twiggy, the prim and pretty stick bear. the quiet shy type :) let's meet over coffee.
Tibet - from my personal collection, circa 2005. a very special talisman/ good luck bear. for the nomadic, mystical, world traveler type.

Hope you love 'em! I tried for six bears today, but the last one is in progress and will be ready this weekend. it's a different stick bear -not to keep you in too much suspense :)

1 comment:

Mare said...

I lean towards Honey (tho Hulk is a cutie too!)But my favorite is Tibet! He is awesome!