
NEW *twilight* buddha + oreo

tie dye mohair buddha bear
tie dye mohair bear
two new bears have sneaked onto my web site this lovely october evening- twilight buddha bear and oreo stick bear.

something tells me they have sniffed out the candy stash (as evidenced by a few Hershey's Krackel wrappers).

Happy treating!


black cloth dolls

this little gal has been on my shelf a few years now. she's a black sock doll i made, still needing hair and proper clothes to suit her personality.. she's temporarily wearing a white doll nightgown, which kinda goes with halloween. you may recall, i made two other black sock dolls in 2009 for the Soul Mates Sock Monkey update:

i just adore the old black cloth dolls, bottle dolls, sock/ stocking dolls, and rag dolls. they just make me smile with all their charm, quirks and individuality. most of all, the great amount of love and skill that went into them.

this amazing group is from the Hatch Collection of Black cloth dolls. i was oh my god-ing looking through their website.

whats not to love?
(a hint of new things to come ♥)


cats of rome

feral cat TNR ear tipped Rome Italy

feral stray cat shelter rome ruins italy

happy national feral cat day! i've saved up these photos of the kitties from our Rome trip just for today :) cats are just everywhere i go, lol! i heard about Torre Argentina Roman Cat Sanctuary and made it a point to visit there and was so glad we did. we had a nice long talk with one of the volunteers and said hello to all the cats. the shelter is also a permanent home for a few special-needs cats that were found abandoned.

the adoptable cats are inside the shelter, and the TNR ferals are living outdoors among the ancient city ruins. it was quite a sight to see! all are provided food, care and shelter by dedicated volunteers. Torre Argentina also has a long-distance adoption program to sponsor a cat. thank goodness for cat sanctuaries like this! there are many ways to help the roman kitties, please visit the sanctuary's website www.romancats.com. and tell a friend!

puuuurrrrrrss and hugs xoxo


let's go crazy: $8 any ePattern!

halloween mohair bearfirstly, thank you special cat people who adopted PFATT cats for ferals yesterday. they have all found homes and are in the mail today. and thanks for the lovely comments about them too, it means a lot to me!

there is such a positive vibe in the air... last night was a glorious full moon, today is an indian summer, and tomorrow is *my birthday*! so to keep the good vibrations going i've done something a little crazy: all ePatterns in my etsy shop are now just $8 each! it's an incredible deal considering most of my patterns are really jam packed with info. and i've dusted off PABLITA ePattern.. she is back in the shop after semi-retirement! so let's get sewing for the holidays, no excuses! :) sale has ended, thank you!


PFATT cats to help ferals

(all are SOLD, thank you! i am accepting a few orders, email me)

hi all! my PFATT Marketplace offering this month is a little different you may notice! i made a quartet of primitive cloth cat dolls from a Netty Lacroix pattern (love her work). i originally made one to hang on my front door, then seeing how lovely it turned out i made a few more to share with you! i think it's a nice way to raise awareness for National Feral Cat day on October 16th. they are just $35 each- proceeds go towards TNR of feral kitties in my neighborhood, like this fella:

here he is. i finally got a picture of the elusive orange male who likes to go poo in my yard! i've tried half a dozen times to trap him. normally i can trap a cat with 2 attempts, so he's been a particularly frustrating case. the crust around his eyes concerns me, but otherwise he looks well-fed and has a nice coat (the well-fed part being why he isn't attracted to my baits, argh). my goal is to have him neutered by Halloween. and i've seen a dark tabby slinking around at night and in the dark of early morning... does it ever end? cross your paws and wish me luck!

to adopt a PFATT cat see my listing today.. on where else, the PFATT marketplace :) miiiiaaooow!


dreadlock 2 month update

"dreadlock dollz" photograph by rich beer

i love her look, she's like a real-life raggedy ann ♥

many cultures throughout history wore their hair in locks

well here's my progress at 2 months and 5 days! i stopped brushing my hair august 1st. not a radical difference.. then again it's been so gradual to me. there are 2-3 baby dreads forming in the back. the rest of my hair has separated into noodles, and some shrinkage going on in length. i've decided to go the organic, natural route (aka neglect method) to grow dreads instead of making dreads by backcombing, wax (bad, very bad), twist n' rip or other means. the term "neglect" is misleading because i am caring for my hair of course, but rather it refers to just leaving the hair alone to do its thing.

dreadlock journey the only maintenance i do is washing with all-natural dr. bronners bar soap (peppermint is my fave) about every 3 days. no products whatsoever. oh, and some separating of sections larger than an inch. clean, residue-free hair makes happy dreads! during this awkward in between stage, for going out i just put it up in a loose hair clip in 1 second or fancy it up with a flower clip hair accessory. it will be interesting to see what happens by Christmas! xoxo

Update: see my post on my 6 month dreadlock journeys end.


o'weenie wee bear

why hello little lady. this is "pepper", festively dressed in cotton skirt and bow (all removable). she and some special friends are at collins gifts for the all the creatures were stirring 6th annual artist signing + web show.

aaaand, this just in! yet another sweet etsy treasury featuring...can you guess? blu bobo!