
"Who will love a little sparrow...

...who's traveled far and cries for rest?" (Simon and Garfunkel "Sparrow")
so you're thinking, what's this? yet another bird post? it just happened that way, i swear! my grandpop was an avid birdwatcher. he took my brother and i birdwatching as kids, and gave us those little red wooden bird calls. maybe a bit of the birdwatching is in my blood.
the first day of december has brought us our first snow. i don't know how these little troopers survive the bitter mid-west winters. but somehow they do...
as the wildflowers roots do. as the evergreens do.
as we will do... with the aid of thick blankets and hot drinks :)
stay warm!

1 comment:

becca jo said...

lovely birdies! i adore the cardinals, jays and finches that over-winter here in minnesota. not to mention the crows....