Rosa, my beloved feline companion of 15 years, has passed on three days ago. She went peacefully by euthanization at the vet as I held her on my lap with Rob by our side. We are deeply grieving as our bonds with her were even deeper. Rosa is the last of my 3 cats to pass on, so there is an unfamiliar emptiness to our home, an emptiness which is amplified when I walk through the front door and am sorely reminded she is not here. I was hesitant to blog about such a highly emotional, personal event~ that it may somehow trivialize her passing, but I've come to realize that loss is something universal.
The Native American Indians have a saying, "Today is a good day to die". Crazy Horse famously said this to his troops; so it has been attributed to acts of bravery or honor during battle. It can also be interpreted as "live your life with no regrets", "be unafraid of the circle of life and death", for we are like the little separate drops of the waterfall that will rejoin the great river from which we came. For my dear Rosa, her day of parting was beautiful, warm and sunny. Yes, it was a good day, her favorite kind of day, as the winters were harsh on her diminutive 5 lb body. And it would seem the summer loved Rosa in return, for on that July afternoon, her spirit was absorbed into its eternal warmth.
Oh, I am so sorry. Your beautiful post has brought tears to my eyes- We have a 16 year old one eyed kitty that we adore. Thank you for sharing.
Wishing you peace.
Peng Peng I am so very sorry for the loss of your friend... your family member. They are the only ones who truly love us unconditionally.
Pengy, you wrote the most beautiful eulogy. Tears and waterfalls are so much alike when we lose our close friend. Peace. Pam
I'm so sorry to hear of your sweet friend's passing. I share your pain. We lost our dear kitty recently as well, and I didn't sleep well for a month, so used to her tiny little purring softness for company.
Time heals. And, eventually, so do kittens.
Hugs- Jo
I am so sorry Peng Peng, I have been thinking of you... know I am here for you if you need me. She is in a beautiful place with no pain.. and indeed she thanks you for it. I know there is surely a kitty kat heaven. Hugs, Linda
Dearest Peng Peng,
I am truly sorry for the passing of your dear sweet kitty Rosa. I am so glad you were able to be with her to the end.
Your eulogy was a beautiful tribute and I feel honored that you decided to share it with us.
I wish you peace and I hope the wonderful memories you have of Rosa bring you some comfort during this difficult time.
I lost my sweet kitty Rudy, almost two and a half years ago, she was 17 years old, we went through so much together and I miss her every day, but I am so lucky and thankful I was able to have those wonderful 17 years. I'm so sorry for you. About a year ago, we got a teeny little Chihuahua and now I stay pretty busy chasing after her all day! One day, when you're really (and you will know the exact moment when you are) a new baby will continue on the circle!
Sandra Evertson
peng peng
i am so sorry for your loss. i am sending you huge hugs.
i am always here for you.
Sincerest thanks to everyone for your kind sympathies and checkin' in on me :)
It helps to talk about it and share the experience with others, like yourselves, who are blessed with open heart & open eyes for the animals who grace this earth with their presence.
My cats have taught me many things, the most profound being compassion towards all living creatures. For that, I am a better person.
When the ashes are returned, there is a little tag tied around the bag; printed on it is Cats name, date of cremation, and the word "COMPLETED". Instantly it read to me as a double meaning; "their life mission is completed".
And so they leave us with important lessons learned, a brighter life for having known them, and a bigger heart for having loved them.
Beautifully written tribute to your furry companion. Much hugs.
You saw Rosa through a happy, well loved life, and escorted her through her final transition with love and compassion. She had the life,(and even passing) I wish all cats could have.
Your friend was there so long because of you...she had everything to live for, even when her body may have been ready to give out for a while. She will always exist in a time and dimension where she is happy and loved.
Dear Pengy:
I just learned of your little Rosa. I cry tears of grief for you as the loss of a pet is confusing and bewildering and so may other emotions. I know, as do so many pet caretakers, the pain that you feel. I had to let go of (in physical form anyway) both of my cat companions last year, Max & Nettie. I wrote a poem about Nettie last year and I wanted to share it with you.
A layer of me
was shed when
you went away.
It floats now
caught in a drift
of whirling wind
never to be
I am sorry that your heart is broken, but I am happy for you that you were able to be touched by such a wonderful companion as Rosa and the other two kitties.
Tender thoughts and warmth are being sent to you now.
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