In the quiet, early morning hours of
Rosa's final day, a mourning dove was cooing very close to our bedroom window where she lay. Usually I hear the doves in the nearby distance, but on that morning it seemed to be right outside our window, as if calling to her. And it cooed for a long long while, with it's melancholy song. The following day, I looked up and saw three mourning doves perched high on a wire above our backyard, taking in the warmth of the sun. They were simply living for the moment, as all animals do. The trio of doves looked to me like my three beloved departed cats, with little Rosa being the smallest dove in the middle. Watching them, apart from my grief, I felt everything was as it should be. It was a new day, and every day is a gift.

~I'd like to extend my sincere thanks to everyone for your kind thoughts, sympathies, and general checkin' up on me! Thanks for the lovely cards and comments left here on my blog. I am touched that Rosa's story has touched you all as well.
I shall pass this way but once. Therefore, any good that I can do or any kindness that I can show, let me do it now... for I shall not pass this way again." ~Unknown
what a beautiful post pp.
you have really touched my heart. i hope yours is healing each day.
God Bless you, Peng Peng
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