This here little fellow is "Blueberry Cobbler", my PFATT Marketplace offering for this month. I just flipped over how wonderful that hand dyed mohair turned out. Multiple dye process was so worth the extra time and effort. And it makes the mohair totally unique! If you'd like to scoop up Blueberry Cobbler, send me an e-mail. (update: he's SOLD).
Hey, it's also my brother's *birthday* today, and was Miss Felted Folksie Linda's yesterday! So Happy Birthday all you Aquarius'!
I'm off to brave the elements now. Enjoy your day!
I love the "snow creatures" at the top. They look like they want to come in out of the cold!
Thank you for wishing me a Happy Birthday and Happy Birthday to your brother too.. hope he had a great day!!! Thanks sweet Peng Peng!!! Look at all that snow..be careful and stay safe!
I loved your little snow monsters so much I made my own XD... I hope other people will join in the fun too and put faces on ominous snow shapes XD
ps, I linked back to your blog saying that's where I got the idea, so hopefully people come check yours out too... they're SO CUTE! ... and kinda creepy XD
heather... i saw your snow monsters and it is freakin' hilarious! :D thanks for the shout out!
Hi PP!
Happy Valentine's Day!
♥ Melissa & Emmitt
I absolutely LOVE the pix of the beings from "planet snow" Peng! So much so that they are now my desktop background - their little faces are so..so...adorable, as are all your creations are! Can't wait to meet Dimple, I have my husband on standby at his restaurant for the package! :0) My B-Day was just b4 your brothers, tell him I said Happy BDay! Best, Ann
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