nnnnooooooooooo! (in the its-too-cute-please-turn-if-off kind of way). the baby looks like a mini Norfin troll doll i used to have, laying on it's back just like this. thanks J for sending me the link and making me smile. via
cuteoverload. today is a beauuuutiful day and going much more smoothly than yesterdays clumsy sleep-deprived blur and thrifting woe. it goes something like this:
i'm at the thrift, having a ho-hum look around. i spot a guy in a baseball cap bee-lining to the registers carrying a huge vintage 1960s blue barbie doll clothes case, the only item he's buying. he's clutching it like a sack of gold. my heart sinking.
he is behind me in line. i ask almost not wanting to know, "is there anything in that?" he opens the case and it's jammed packed with
brightly colored vintage doll clothes and who knows what buried underneath. he says he's buying it for his daughter.
the price tag for barbie case seemed a bit inflated at $25, but the mysterious contents under the citrus colored polka dot dresses had me slightly crazed and damning myself for not looking at the toy area first, instead of books! the thrifts here are pretty dried up in terms of collectibles. truth be told i don't even bother looking, i just go in to get what i need. but what were the chances?
after a good nights rest it seems it was all just a bad dream. it never happened. what thrift? what barbie case? i am all better now. momma and baby hedgehogs helps too.