
New Fall Sock Monkey Trio Today!

These little rascals are now up on my web site! 2 of them got snatched up right away (thank you!). So Miss Rosie (pictured left) is currently the only one available! She's a sweetheart, and would love to share a good old fashioned soda with you. Update: SOLD OUT. Miss Rosie was adopted, thank you! *The Fall trio and myself would like to extend *monkey hugs* for giving them warm and loving homes, and for all the sweet comments too :) xoxo


  1. Oh, Peng Peng... It's been such a long time since we've seen the sock monkeys. I love'em. They are so cute. Miss Rosie is pulling at my heart strings. I love her pink rosie color.

  2. Wow! Really creative & pretty stuff!

  3. i love your sock monkeys pp!

    they are just magical!

  4. They are all wonderful in their little soda pop drinking sweetness.
