
New Bears Update!

My next website update is happening June 7, Thursday at 12 noon Central (10am Pacific/ 11am Mountain/ 1pm Eastern).
There will be a delightful assortment of new little bears! (hint: including some little black bears :O) www.peng-peng.com


  1. Peng Peng
    I just love your little drawing. I am so excited about your update on Thursday, I hope I can sleep at night. I love checking out your website each day to see what might show up next. Karen

  2. Hi Karen,
    awww shucks :O) such sweet comments! thanks a bunch (and hope you have a good nights sleep! LOL) :O)

  3. Yeah, the day is here for the new little Peng Peng bears to make their appearance. I told you I wouldn't get much sleep. I saw visions of Little Peng Peng bears running through my head. Oh, but I don't care, it was fun and I am very excited to see what you came up with today.

  4. Oh, they are all so adorable!!! I'm especially fond of Little Otto. What a sweetie!

  5. Otto just cracks me up and makes me laugh every time I see his picture. I love all your bears, Peng Peng, and look forward to seeing every one you make.
    Thank you for all the fun you bring into my life with your little bear.

  6. gee whiz :O)) your kind comments make my day(s)! So glad you enjoy the bears, it makes it all worthwhile.

    pp (^__^)

  7. Oh Peng Peng, loved your update.. especially love Blue Moon and the girls Tomata and the other one ..they were adorable.. wish i had more pennies .. i would have swooped one of them up! Adorable work! Always cute..those Peng Peng bears! Hugs, Folksie Linda
